Summer Training for CSE student on Android

According to survey on mobile’s operating system, Android is the number one operating system. Most of the users prefer Android in comparison to iOS and Microsoft Operating System. Most of the App development and mobile development are done with Android. At that time Android is the most learning course by the engineering students. Reason behind this revolution is everyone is showing more interest to become an Android Developer.

Most of the institutes provide Android Training in the metropolitan cities. But I suggest, students can grab the android training from the experts who have an industrial experience in android OS. Such person gives the tricky method to solve real time problems during the Android coaching classes. 

For the CS /IT /MCA student have to grab the opportunity in summer training. Most of the companies provide the summer training for the CSE student. Aptron Solution is one of them. They hired the professional who can work in Development Company and gives the time to teach student.
